Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Back in Fine Fettle

Jill's Journal: The last two days were spent with all five of us slightly under the weather (we fell victim one-by-one to a short-lived head cold), so we’ve taken it very easy. And that’s the beauty of this trip – we can just go with the flow. I love, love, LOVE “home days,” as my girls call them, but there’s so many amazing things here just waiting to be seen and we need to get going!

I have a feeling our few days here in the Richmond area will simply whet our appetites for more. Today we ventured out for a little drive and are amazed at how rural so many parts of Virginia seem to be. This is one of the oldest settled parts of the country – for some reason, I expected every single piece of land to be populated. Instead, it’s so…well, rural, at least in this area. And trees, trees, trees everywhere. It sure gave me an appreciation for what the early settlers from Europe must have had to go through to clear the land just to build a home, much less actually grow crops.

Now that we’re all back in fine fettle, our Richmond time feels like it officially begins. Tomorrow we head north a bit to visit a dear, longtime friend – I can’t wait!

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