Sunday, June 3, 2012

Nieces of Adam

Jill's Journal: Only in California does one spot foreboding signs like this. Since I grew up in California, these signs don’t phase me, but I can see how they might strike a little fear into the heart of someone from another part of the country. And just for the record, I would take an earthquake over a tornado or a hurricane any day. Somehow I’ll bet most natives to the Left Coast would agree with me…and just about everyone originally from other parts of the country would adamantly disagree. Funny how that works.

Also spotted in downtown San Luis Obispo today: one Uncle Adam walking with two of his (now) four nieces.

Spotted yesterday: two Adams in their pajamas making breakfast for the whole crew. Three siblings, two spouses, four kids…our numbers are growing!

Uncle Adam made the long drive up to the Central Coast for the weekend to meet his new niece. Look at her look at him!

Yes, another niece to adore this awesome uncle. And it’s just a hunch, but if his first three nieces are any indication, I’m pretty certain Logan will too adore Uncle Adam.


Diana said...

I've REALLY got to get my kids one of these "uncles" you speak so highly of... :)

Dragon15 said...

I just love the picture of Uncle Adam and his 4 nieces. What a wonderful family you have. Of course, you already know that. (=