For a very long time, I've been trying to put a map on the Rig. There are several choices out there, but none, I thought, that fit our trip. The latest choices use license plate snipits for the states, and completely forget Canada. The past items I've seen have solid colored states (a must for me) and many have included Canada, but upon calling the manufacturer of that map, I've been told they don't produce it anymore. In fact, I was told that they get that call about three times a week, but have no plans for production. Now, I've seen some money opportunities squandered but, uh, hello - we're calling a company 'we (RVers)' need to research and are willing to pay whatever it takes to get your already produced map, and you aren't doing it... interesting choice.
So - I decided to just do my own. It is exactly what I want, in the shape, size, and form I want on my Rig. And while it took me some time to produce - I'm happy with what we came up with. Hours were spent designing the map, mocking the graphic, and deciding the setup. I went to a sign shop in town last week and finally - we've started our canvas - and I (I think WE) think it is perfect.
For those of you who are wondering - yes, there are places we've been that aren't represented here. We chose a baseline, because of the trip and what it represents. To fill in a state we must 1. Have stayed there in the Rig a week or more, and 2. Have explored a significant amout of territory to say we've 'done' the area.

So, we start here... toward the patio. We're missing a bunch of places we've been - but I'm sure we'll catch up shortly. There are some I need to buy, some I need to have printed, but I'm sure we'll get everything figured out shortly.
I'm already thinking of what to do when we run out of room to plaster all the great places we've been... I've got some ideas, and I hope - for anyone reading this - that you get to see it soon. :)
BTW - I'll send a $20 gift certificate (amex) to anyone who can correctly identify every single one of those stickers from our travels.. (and that's without all the one's that should be there) I think all have been mentioned in some way on the blog. :)
I think you should try to mass produce them and get them out to your other "RV" friends. You might be surprised how many would see yours and buy one right off your rig! I know a great writer who could send in a story to a travel/RV magazine and tell them all about her brilliant husband who got tired of waiting for someone else to do it and just did it himself. You, sir, are clever and talented--and you could make some money from it, I'm sure!
Very cool indeed. Are the individual states stickers that you place over the outline or do you color them in?
It would be cool to cut out the stickers to the outlines of the states and place them on the map.
Oh, and there are three I'm not sure of, but so far I have:
Columbia River Gorge
Albany Brass Ring Carousel Project
Assateague Island
Multnoma Falls
Laguna Seca
Santa Cruz
Good Sam
Oregon Trail
Wildlife Safari
Pendleton Rodeo
Katie, you are too kind and I think you've got a great idea there! And regarding the making money part...well, from your lips to God's ears. :)
Gary, I think you get points just for trying and I'm in favor of sending you Rob's aforementioned gift cert! Rob has several more stickers from earlier in our trip to add as'll be fun to see it complete.
I'd settle for the answers to the missing three. ;)
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