Sunday, July 31, 2011

Calling Miss Manners!

Jill's Journal: We moved today to the wonderful small town of Pendleton, Oregon, and for the first time, we’re staying on an Indian reservation. After we got all set up, we suddenly began to wonder…is it proper etiquette to fly an American flag on a reservation? Seriously.

Obviously, we’re all Americans, but there may be some sensitivities there and we want to be respectful. Do you know?


gretchenhs said...

I'm sure the Indian ghosts will pay you a visit if they don't like it. =)

Unknown said...

You could always find out if they have their own flag and fly it under the American Flag.

Jill said...

Gretchen, I know who to call if they do...YOU!!

Gary, that sounds like a lot of work! :p