Friday, July 8, 2011

Oh the Joy!

Jill's Journal: If this picture looks blurry, your eyes are not deceiving you. It’s blurry because three little girls could not sit still long enough in their excitement to welcome their Daddy back home from his week in Vegas! He wasn’t due to return until almost midnight, but he was able to catch an earlier flight instead. These were some happy, happy little girls. (And I am a happy big girl because three littles are now tucked into their beds and Rob is out getting the grown-ups a yummy dinner).

Rob’s return wasn’t without drama. In the 30 seconds before we left to pick him up at the airport, Erika decided to pull a tooth out all on her own. Normally she’s content to let them fall out by themselves, so it was a big deal for her to get aggressive with it. It cracked me up: she shut herself in her room and asked for absolute silence and privacy while she did the deed. This is either lost tooth #12 or #13; I’ve admittedly lost count. She is growing up at a dizzying rate.


Anonymous said...

omgoodness!! Allie's only lost 4 teeth!! And no top ones yet. Erika does look so grown up - and beautiful! I can't wait for our girls to see each other again (or for the first time!)...


Jill said...

Jennifer, I know!! I can't wait myself -- it's been way too long. We only had a mere three girls between the two of us last time we were we've got six!! Crazy. :)

Andrea Kanelopoulos - Anam Nostos House said...

love this!! Only I don't think my kids are going to talk to me next month when I am gone for a week...haha What did yo have for dinner? :-)

Jill said...

Andrea, I'll bet they'll forgive you the instant they lay eyes on you again! And dinner was a teriyaki bowl of sorts...yum! :)

Andrea Kanelopoulos - Anam Nostos House said...

I hope so, truly! We will skype too :-)

Yummmmmm LOVE terriyaki! Down side of small town, no authentic food!