Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Better Than Reality TV

Jill's Journal: Who needs television? The fancy Rhode Island neighbors that I mentioned a few days ago are far more entertaining. We’ve had such fun observing their life of camping luxury. When you’re in such close quarters, you tend to know a lot more about your neighbors than you do in a regular house. These people have little interest in being friendly, so we’ve had fun trying to figure them out.

The driver is decidedly foreign and I’ve taken to calling him the “Latino Manservant,” poor guy. It appears he works from 9am to 9pm, even though they're doing very little driving. One morning, he arrived at 8:51am, presumably early, but with coffee. They made him wait outside until precisely 9am (but took the coffee!). The next morning, he was just five minutes early. That time he didn’t even bother knocking on the door until 9am.

The Latino Manservant has been accompanying the missus on her morning walk, so perhaps he’s the Bodyguard/Companion as well? And one night, he stayed late and we couldn’t help but laugh and wonder if he’s also the “Love Slave!” Naughty, I know, but this is way better than any reality television. :)

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