Monday, October 11, 2010

A Near-Perfect Maine Day

Jill's Journal:Wonderful days in Maine are a dime a dozen. We spent the early afternoon yesterday at a local dairy farm, where the girls got to play to their hearts’ content and we all got to try blueberry milk for the first time. Four out of the five of us also tried strawberry milk for the first time. Yum! We absolutely love that you can still buy milk in glass bottles all over New England.

We came home for a fantastic afternoon of fishing and playing with worms; note the girls’ pink fishing poles! We so wanted to catch at least one fish, but we didn’t get so much as a bite before closing the day with a raging campfire. No s’mores for us; Rob popped popcorn over the fire. “That must have been just how the Pilgrims did it!,” exclaimed Erika. :)

Days like this, where we just enjoy being together as a family…that’s what makes this journey, both on this trip and through life, so worthwhile.