Saturday, March 3, 2012

“Toby Keith is Right”

Jill's Journal: Rob comes home this evening from another week in New Jersey, an event that indirectly prompted one of my favorite moments of the week. Naturally, the girls miss their Daddy something fierce. One day, we were in the middle of driving and the Toby Keith song “I Wanna Talk About Me” was playing in the background:

“We talk about your work, how your boss is a jerk
We talk about your church and your head when it hurts…”

Victoria suddenly sat straight up in her booster seat and said with all the vehemence a 4-year-old can muster, “Toby Keith is right. Daddy’s boss IS a jerk!”

“What?” I asked. “Why do you say that?”

“Because last time he kept Daddy there in New Jersey FOREVER and now he’s there again,” she sputtered angrily. “And he needs to know that Daddy has a family who loves him! We need him more than that boss does. We’re a family and we belong together.”

She had much more to say, but I was laughing too hard to remember it all. How I love that little girl! (And I'm pretty sure Rob melted when I relayed it over the phone to him later that night...)


gretchenhs said...

Thanks for the TOby picture today, I just adore him. *sigh*

Oh wait, we were talking about Madelyn, sorry, lost my train of thought there.
Madelyn I MISS you and your adorable-nis!

Jill said...

LOL Gretchen!! Thanks for cracking me up today. I'm pretty fond of Toby Keith myself. :)

gretchenhs said...

WHen Liz was a baby, every time he'd come on the radio, she and I would say TOBY!!!!!! LOL
My husband wasn't amused. hehe

Andrea Kanelopoulos - Anam Nostos House said...

Oh my goodness what a sweetheart!!! Mine have been coming up with the funniest things lately too, it is pretty fun!