Monday, March 28, 2011

Another Full-Timing, Homeschooling Family!

Jill's Journal: A question we frequently get from non-full-time travelers is whether we’ve met a lot of people like us. And the answer, honestly, is no. Last summer, there were definitely a number of families camping, but with one exception, they were all on vacation and not full-timers.

Instead, the vast majority of our fellow campers have been retirees. We might exchange a few pleasantries here and there, but that is usually about it.

And now we’re in Felton, California, the friendliest place we’ve been since Bardstown, Kentucky, last July. We officially know more people here than we did in the neighborhood we lived in for 12 years! We literally can’t step outside our door without greeting Ryan or Deacon or Sam or Greg or Jill (yes, another Jill!) or Emma or Liam or…well, you get the idea.

To our great amazement, there is even another full-timing, homeschooling family here. And they just happen to have a 7-year-old and a 5-year-old, much to Erika’s and Madelyn’s great excitement (poor Victoria always gets left out!). It was surreal to get a knock on the door during lunch today from children asking if the girls could play, something that probably happens in neighborhoods every single day.

The girls have had such fun playing with this other family and they came along with us to our playground/covered bridge outing today. Needless to say, the adults have also had a lot in common and have had a ton of fun comparing notes on our uncommon lifestyle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's really cool...
