Saturday, March 5, 2011

On the Road Again!

Jill's Journal: This peaceful snapshot from yesterday belies the busyness of the last few days. Kristi and I spent over 10 hours together in a car on Wednesday and Thursday to attend visitation and services in Southern California. It felt like a long drive for a short time, but I think we were both so glad to have gone. It was an emotional time for everyone as we all mourned and celebrated a special life alongside some wonderful people.

In addition to work for Rob and school for the girls (and me), much of our Friday was spent preparing to move after so many weeks in one spot. The girls were able to sneak in horseback rides with Kristi and could not have been more thrilled. It’s pretty clear we’ll need horses (notice the plural!) when we settle down again someday. :)

Friday night was spent enjoying a wonderful farewell dinner and then one last evening of laughing and carousing with some of our most favorite people in the whole world. I can’t think of too many things more special than when some of your dearest friends are also family. We love you, Kristi and Adam! And miss you already. Thank you so much for putting up with us during our wildly extended stay – we promise our next visit will be highly abbreviated in comparison!

Preparing to pull away...will Kristi and Adam even remember what their house looks like when not hidden by a 42-foot fiver?

Today we finished packing up, said our goodbyes, and hit the road. As sad as we were to say farewell to this awesome couple, it also felt so good to be on the road again. So very good. This is what we signed up for when we sold our home and belongings. This is where we’re meant to be right now. And this is what feels right. We have absolutely loved our time with family (what a gift!), but how good it feels to be back on the road. We could not be more excited.

We drove north through beautiful country and lots of agriculture to our destination: the spectacular Monterey Peninsula. I’ll write more tomorrow about the very unique place we’re staying. What a fantastic reintroduction to our gypsy life!


gretchenhs said...

Liz says when you do get those horses, she'd like to just come live with you instead of us. =)

Jill said...

LOL! We love that Liz! Tell her she's welcome. And you too. Oh, and don't forget Steve!