Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Reality Bites

Jill's Journal: I haven’t written in a bit because reality has hit me hard the last few days: traveling with littles is a challenge. A big challenge. The 6-year-old is enjoying every minute and it’s such a joy to see her worldviews expanding and stretching. She soaks up every bit of knowledge and new experience like a hungry sponge. She is the perfect age for this adventure.

The 4-year-old mostly enjoys it and has certainly never met a stranger, but she is a bigger homebody than her older sister and some days wants a little more familiarity. She misses some of her favorite people and places more than the others do. But, she is also an amazing trooper and between extra playtime and extra hugs, she not only hangs in there but thrives.

It’s the 2-year-old who might do us in. She is the life of the party when she’s happy and determined to make us all miserable when she’s not. There’s not a more affectionate, charming angel out there…nor a more rotten, volatile little bugger. And you never know what you’re going to get, nor for how long. She’s made us question the sanity of taking this RV trip more than once over the last 10 days. In fact, I’m starting to think there’s a reason people wait to travel until their children are grown…

But in spite of questioning ourselves (and finding ourselves in a little bit of a funk over the last few days about how hard it is to travel with kids), we’re determined to keep pushing on and get through this learning curve. We may be worn out by the end of each day, much more so than we were at home, but we’re going to be richer as a family for it. These experiences are going to help shape these little girls and enhance their lives (and ours). I keep thinking of the education they’re getting – without even having started homeschooling yet – and I know it’s worth it, without a doubt (I think even in spite of the gray hair they’re giving us).

And the 2-year-old? She just spontaneously wrapped her arms around my neck and shouted, “Mommy, I love you! You’re the beautifulest and the best.” It’s those kind of absolutely delicious moments that help make up for the others…


Anonymous said...

I think the explanation for Victoria is '3rd Child Syndrome.' When she's good, she's very, very good, but when she's bad...remember the nursery rhyme? I'm gonna tell my sister she's a "rotten, volatile little bugger" too--I think she'll like it! :)

Anonymous said...

Oops, I forget to tell you it was me above...but, then again, maybe you already knew. :)


thegang@RVfor5.com said...

Oh Diana Lynn, I had a sneaking suspicion it was you!!