Monday, August 23, 2010

I Love Connecticut!

Jill's Journal: I am seriously in love with Connecticut. We did very little today other than stock up on groceries and plan our next few days of adventures. It doesn’t matter though – this is just a sensational place and we don’t need to go far to be awed. There is beauty around every corner, both the God-made kind and the man-made kind. I snapped this picture just down the street from our campground because I love this garage, which is very indicative of the architecture around here. I don’t recall ever saying I loved a garage before, but this one just charms my socks off!

Connecticut is called the “Constitution State” and we never knew why until now. The Fundamental Orders of 1638-39, established by settlers in Connecticut, are considered the first written constitution in history. Interestingly, both the first U.S. traitor, Benedict Arnold, and the most famous patriot, Nathan Hale (“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country”), were from Connecticut.

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