Friday, August 20, 2010

Ten feet at a time...

Traffic. How do we run into some of the big messes considering how little we really drive? Today's trek should have taken us about two and a half, maybe three hours - Mr. Garmin even said so. As I type this while sitting on the road (the truck is in park, and I have a new iPad) we are at hour four, and we haven't even left New Jersey yet.

We have CB's and I've been listening to radio traffic trying to pick up ANY tidbit ...and the last bit of traffic I heard was... "...Wherever you are going driver, don't even think about taking the George Washington bridge...". See the picture to the right...? That one that says - well, you know exactly what it says... I just took that about 150 feet before I typed the paragraph... Sticking us right into it with no recourse. Yahoo. :/

Well, we'll get there when we get there I guess. One thing I'll be sure to do in the future tho is to pack a cooler for the truck. You'd think I wouldn't have to since I'm towing my household refrigerator less than 10 feet from where I sit, but apparently when you're moving 10 feet at a time at random intervals it's tough, nay - impossible - to pick the right spot to get out and unlock the door...

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