Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Ran across a good one tonight, and while I don't always seem to subscribe to it, I think it's important to teach the girls...

Time and Money should be managed and spent the same way: always deliberately and always on things of value.
I got this from Tynan, a nomad, for lack of a better term, that is off travelling, and who I occasionally enjoy checking up on. I'd have liked having his free spirit at his age, but then I'd never have had my wonderful life - so.. I'll take what I have, thank you. Regardless, he comes up with some interesting stuff, and you can take a look at "Life Outside the Box,".

Bottom line is that what my Algebra II teacher tried to instill in us the first day of class is still true. You have 86,400 seconds today and if you don't spend them, you lose them... How are you spending your 'bank' account today?

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I really like that quote... I may have to tattoo it on my forehead so I can try to remember it and live it every day :-)